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NJASBO Annual Conference - Second Session


Wednesday, June 7th, 2023


3:15 PM

Ends At: 4:15 PM


The Power of Title 59 New Jersey Tort Claims Act and the Management of Claims Against Boards of Education

This session will educate Business Office professionals on how to develop a Property & Casualty Budget, while understanding laws such as New Jersey's Tort Law and Title 59. The presenters will discuss the property and casualty program as a whole, so attendees can understand the coverages they have procured in order to best protect the district. Understanding how the legal landscape for schools has evolved over the last several years is important—and the legal landscape for school district tort liability in the State of New Jersey has evolved significantly. This evolution has impacted numerous aspects of school operations including: student transportation; hiring of school personnel; student supervision; anti-bullying requirements; armed school personnel; student restraint/seclusion; infectious disease; and, long-term liability for sexual assault claims

Meeting Resources

Business Administrator / Insurance Specialists:

Business Administrators / Principals / Superintendents

Transportation Director / Supervisor:

Human Resources Directors:

Anti-bullying Coordinator:

Administrators and Special Education Coordinator: